mycoop book club

Yes, some college graduates DO want to continue to read and discuss great literature even when they’re no longer required to do so.  Just ask two recent Tufts graduates, Dan Moss and Alfonso Rodriguez, new transplants to Brooklyn’s rapidly gentrifying western Crown Heights neighborhood.  Realizing many other  20-somethings were moving into the area,  they got the idea to start a book club.

“We wanted to continue talking about the books we read and connecting with others who share the same passion for reading,” recalls Dan. “We had the feeling there were a lot of people in the area who felt the same way.”

However, the challenge was finding these neighborhood bookworms. Enter MyCoop.  Having been invited to MyCoop by mutual friends , they posted their first “book of the month” pick and followed up with online discussions. Eventually, fellow readers began meeting in person at local coffee shops and at nearby independent bookstore, Hullabaloo.

“MyCoop gave us a way to meet people online in a neighborhood where we didn’t yet know anyone, and made it easier to make new friends who share some of our same interests,” said Alfonso.

Dan and Alfonso found it easy to register their MyCoop account, start discussions and connect with others, but they also continued to discover other features. “We scheduled our first ‘formal’ event and just put it in the Marketplace and then asked our friends to direct people there.”

Note:  Here at MyCoop we are always happy to hear stories from members about how the platform is helping members connect with neighbors and make new friends. Keep up the great book club, guys!  We’d love to hear other stories too!

get started mycoop
