Online focus group meeting on video call

So you have a new business idea but don’t know how to test the waters to see if there’s a market for it. Where do you start? And how can you collect vital consumer information when also trying to socially distance?

Online focus groups have proven to be quite beneficial for businesses that require detailed insights about products and services. They can be used to test products, advertising concepts, marketing materials, and to get a better understanding of the target audience.

At a time when you’re working with limited resources, an apartment building communication platform like mycoop can help you conduct focus groups using your neighbors as participants.

Here’s how you can use mycoop to run focus groups with your neighbors:

1. Share a Post About Your Business

Our communication platform allows building residents to post content that others can see, share, and comment on. Simply provide a brief description of your new business and ask people if they’re interested in participating in a focus group.

2. Start a Discussion Board

List of business ideas on clipboard

In regular focus groups, participants are required to give up their time to physically attend the focus group.

When you conduct a focus group online, the discussion stretches over a longer period. Participants can offer their two cents at their convenience. They can even come up back to the discussion if they think of something later on.

Starting a discussion board about your product or service allows participants to chime in whenever they want and comment on each other’s posts.

The “discussion” is interactive because participants can check-in at their convenience, as opposed to being forced to give up time.

You can start a discussion board on mycoop to engage focus group participants and collect qualitative data.

3. Ask Participants to Share Video Reviews

If you have products for your neighbors to test, you can ask them to post product reviews on the discussion board or as videos on mycoop. This won’t just provide you with insight into your products, but will also give you exposure. Other residents may get curious about the products and want to join your focus group.

If you want to conduct an online focus group, check out mycoop’s features.

We’re a leading communication software for residential buildings. We encourage all apartment buildings to use our digital platform to give their stakeholders a voice. Check out our plans online.
