what to do when residents leave stuff behind

Property managers always want a seamless transition from an old resident to a new one, but it rarely is. Sure, there are some responsible residents that don’t leave stuff behind, but others not so much.

Depending on how the previous resident left the apartment, the manager will have to begin the time-consuming process of preparing the apartment for viewing.

Before they can begin showing the unit to others, property managers have to inspect it meticulously to see its condition. They’ll find a handyman to deal with repairs, hire a cleaning crew and a painting company to prepare the unit.

The problem arises when the previous resident leaves furniture and other belongings behind. Removing abandoned property is a daunting task. The manager needs to first determine if the resident wants their belongings before deciding to donate, sell or dispose.

Is the Abandoned Property Automatically Yours?

Property managers have the right over abandoned property at the moment when the resident gave a termination notice and willingly left property behind. This is especially true when property managers issued a termination notice and provided ample time to remove any belongings.

In cases of disappearances and evictions, things get a little complicated. Property managers will need to review their state laws to determine whether or not they can remove the property themselves.

Dealing with Furniture and Other Personal Property

When personal property is left behind, property managers still need to go through due process, which may require contacting local government.


Before property managers can donate or dispose of furniture and personal property left behind, they will need to itemize everything. A detailed list with photos, ensures that they are fully protected from liability.

Secure All Property

Secure All Property

You don’t need to sell the abandoned property if you don’t want to, however, you will have to store the belongings in a safe place like a container, commercial storage or someone on a rental property. Find a neutral witness that can watch you make the move.

You can make up the costs of removing and storing abandoned property by selling them in a yard-sale or donating them to a charity. If the furniture is in good condition, you can always offer a furnished unit.

You can use our online communication platform to contact other residents to see if they’re willing to purchase stuff left behind.

An online communication platform for residents of a building will serve your purpose perfectly! Our fees are a small price to pay for the safety of life and property.
