Have you organized that Super Bowl party yet? No matter where you are in the process, take a look at MyCoop’s handy 6 step checklist:
1. Confirm the invite list
Don’t be shy about issuing a last minute invite to neighbors. Those who don’t have plans are likely to really appreciate the invite. At the very least, you’ve made a new connection.
2. Think decorations
Yes, decorations really do count. If possible, find the competing team banners. If not, you can get the same effect by hanging streamers in the colors of each team. Plates, tablecloths, napkins and cups should also be part of the theme. Think about having some sports magazines, pictures, and/or other sports touches out in plain sight.
3. Make sure you have plenty of food
Sure, if you live in New York or another urban area there are lots of take out or catering options, but why not take this opportunity to show off your culinary genius? We have already shared a couple of easy recipes in the Local area at MyCoop, and look for several more in the days ahead. We’ll even share one for any vegetarians who may be in the group!
4. Make sure you have enough refreshments
Yes, people drink during Super Bowl parties! Beer and wine are fine, and you can ask your guests to contribute. However, also have some soft drinks and water on hand as well for those who don’t imbibe or want to take a break.
5. Add some competition
Wagers are often part of the whole experience. Think ahead and have a few gag prizes on hand. They add to the fun and keep all that betting on an even keel.
6. Make sure all of your equipment is in working condition
Make sure that TV is not only in top operating condition but in a safe stable place. After all, there are the Olympics and other sporting events right on the horizon (Knicks or Nets games anyone?).
Feel fee to recommend mycoop to your neighbors to help plan your next super bowl party. We would also love to hear how successful your super bowl party was so please send us your comments to hello@mycoop.com.
What else is on YOUR checklist?